Common Vision
A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let's Get Moving.
The principal purpose of the Common Vision is to guide and stimulate coordinated and collaborative policies and actions to increase physical activity and to reduce sedentary behaviours among all Canadians across their lifetime.
A lack of physical activity is a critical public health issue affecting Canadians of all ages. The Common Vision will help to address this by building on current policies, frameworks and strategies already in place relating to sport, recreation and healthy living, while advancing new and emerging approaches in policies and programming.
On May 31, 2018 the Common Vision document was released along with several supporting documents available here:
Common Vision Document
Common Vision Executive Summary
To build on ongoing multi-sector efforts to help Canadians move more and sit less, the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Physical Activity and Recreation Committee has selected Champions to develop projects related to specific pillars within the Common Vision document:
Cultural Norms – Sport North Federation
Spaces and Places – Canadian Parks and Recreation Association
Public Engagement – ParticipACTION
Partnerships – National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health
Leadership and Learning – Centre for Active Living
Progress – Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute
Projects to be announced.
If you are interested in information including graphics for website or facebook use please contact us at The document files are too large to post on our website.