Succeeding at Stay-at-Home Physical Health Education & Effective Training with No Equipment
Succeeding at Stay-At-Home Physical Health Education - Explore 50+ Covid-safe and engaging activities to learn through school at home or at school. Presenter: John Byl
Effective Training with No Equipment - Make the most out of your home workouts despite having no fitness equipment. Presenter: Jethro Bartelings The session handout can be accessed here.
Click here to access the recording.
Moving Fitness Programs Online & Connecting with your Clients during the Pandemic
Moving Fitness Programs Online - provides some key tips and considerations to provide physical activity programs using an online platform. Presenter: Jan Keryluk The session handout can be accessed here.
Connecting During the Pandemic -a round table discussion sharing ideas and approaches for effectively connecting with clients during the pandemic.
Click here to access the recording.
Risk: Butterflies in your belly
Explores the kinds of risk in children's play, what they learn from it and how we can allow children to risk safely.
Presenters: Marc Battle and Melinda Walden, Early Childhood Education, Red River College
To view the archived webinar click here.
Motivating Each Other to Inspire Active Communities
This coalition webinar is about bridging collaboration with community members and organizations to create active communities.
Presenter: Jan Keryluk, Manitoba Fitness Council’s 2012 Fitness Leader of the Year
To view the Motivation 2013 Presentation hand out click here
To view Maximizing Motivation powerpoint presentation click here.
How much and how intense exercise needs to be to really reach health benefits.
Presenter: Dr. Danielle Bouchard, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba
Click here to access powerpoint presentation.
These free archived webinars provide learning opportunities from a variety of organizations who promote physical activity.
PARC Webinar available online: Improving Access to Recreation: Policies and Programs for Healthy Communities
OPHEA Webinar available online: Are we doing it all wrong? Physical activity, risk and resilience
CDPAC Webinar archived online: Promoting Physical Activity in Childcare and Early Learning Settings. Click here to access webinar.
Canadian Cancer Society Webinar archived online: How Physical Activity Can Reduce Cancer Risk. Click here to access webinar.
Canadian Women & Sport has a series of webinars archived that deal with topics related to females and physical activity such as creating inclusive environments, promoting participation across the lifespan, engaging newcomers, links between mental health and physical activity and more. Click here to access these webinars.
The Canadian Diabetes Association offers a series of webinars related to diabetes and its management, including several emphasizing the importance of physical activity. Click here to access these webinars.